Recent Topics
How does "consider multi-line headers" for tables work?
The line item extractor has a tickbox for considering multi line headers, how does this work in practice? do i need anything special in my labels if a header actually goes over multiple lines? I've got the following headers: my label is currently set
Setting messagestatus on multiple fields
Is there a way to set the messagestatus to multiple fields? for example if you're doing some sort of total calculation with subtotal, gst + total, can you set all 3 to be rejected with the one rule assuming the calculation failed? If the ability doesn't
Some extractor related questions
I'm having some challenges trying to get extractors to do what I need them to. I have an invoice that doesn't have a subtotal, but it has labelled the total inclusive of gst as a subtotal Is there a way to have it exclude specific labels? In this case
Pruning specific learned data
Hi, How would I go about pruning specific learned data? For example: A supplier has 4 different invoices and I've trained all 4 documents, all of which use the same key (the ABN). I realise one of the documents has been trained incorrectly, how do i find
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